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In this section, we provide you with all your needs of heavy equipments such as mobile cranes, excavators, Jack Hammers, bulldozers, sand loading equipments such as loaders, and other equipment needed for various construction works.
Daily Rent -
For Rental Period More Than 30 Days , Transportation Fees (150 KD) should be
Canceled .
out of stock
Daily Rent -
5/7/10 Tons
Daily Rent
Driver & diesel Included
, Transportation fees 50 KD
Free Delivery to AlMutlaa
Daily Rent - Price includes mobilization & demobilization of equipment
Making cylindrical holes with concrete to make extensions
Sanitary, electrical and water drains of all sizes
price per slot
Special price for Almutlaa
Rent by trip
Price Includes Dump Truck 18 cbm and loader.
In case of Concrete waste (5kd) municipality charges will be added for each trip .
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